Wellbeing Maternity Ideas Portal

Telephone Contact data entry outside a pregnancy record

At the moment a pregnancy record must be active and a telephone contact opened to record the details of a phone call. This somewhat idealistic scenario is not always possible and I am now considering whether there would be benefit of being able to record the details of a phone call in isolation using EuroKing (potentially an option which does not involve initially looking up a patient BEFORE having access to the telephone contact questionnaire).


Therefore something along the lines of:

  1. Logging into EuroKing
  2. Having an option to "Record Telephone Call" - this would be on the home screen alongside "Search for a patient" etc
  3. Be presented with a similar set of Questions/Answers/Options to ask/complete whilst on the call.
  4. At the end of the call be able to look up the woman's details, confirm these details with her over the phone if possible. Once her details have been established and a patient/pregnancy record can be found, the details will automatically copy into a new Contact questionnaire within the pregnancy. 

This would save time initially in being able to provide maternal care ahead of any considerable system interaction and then confirm her details at the end of the call once piece of mind etc has been established.

Good idea?

  • Alistair Richards
  • Nov 16 2018
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