We are working towards a Saving Babies LivesV2 Dashboard which is supported by NHSE as first of type
In order to identify at risk mothers at booking and generate the required data can we please have an:
additional question inserted within the Booking questionnaire> Current pregnancies > FRG & Pretrm Insert after Social Risk
‘At Booking are there any known risk factors for fetal growth restriction, preterm birth or still birth?’
[ ] No risk factors identified
[ ] Access to care issues_________________
[ ] APH - Significant
[ ] Fetal echogenic bowel
[ ] Fetal growth restriction this pregnancy
[ ] Low PAPP-A_________________
[ ] Maternal Age >40yrs at booking
[ ] Prev. birthweight <3rd centile
[ ] Prev. birthweight <10th centile with placental dysfunction
[ ] Prev. early onset placental dysfunction with birth <34wks
[ ] Prev. stillbirth
[ ] Prev. preterm birth / mid trimester loss:16-34wks
[ ] Prev. preterm prelabour RoM <34wks
[ ] Prev. cervical cerclage
[ ] Reduced FM (recurrent) this pregnancy_________________
[ ] Hypertensive disease this pregnancy
[ ] Hypertensive disease prev. pregnancy
[ ] Smoking at booking
[ ] Drug misuse_________________
[ ] Medical conditions -high FGR risk ie diabetes/renal/SLE/APL/cardiac_________________
[ ] Unsuitable for SFH monitoring ie fibroids/BMI>35_________________
[ ] Intrauterine adhesions- Ashermann’s syndrome
] History of trachelectomy- for cervical cancer