Wellbeing Maternity Ideas Portal

Restricted Safeguarding area on Euroking for docs

Please see notes/ideas from previous Safeguarding meeting with myself.  I've crossed out bits as I reiterated that these are not viewable on PHR:

As we discussed we in the safeguarding team currently use windip to store documents we call Maternity Support Forms and Pre Birth Plans, and sometimes alerts.  These documents can be very sensitive in nature.

Midwives are supposed to use windip to access these documents, particularly when they are admitted to the acute wards.  This ensures the maternity staff are aware of any concerns and plans to ensure babies are kept safe.  Currently these documents are not being accessed as they should and my midwifery colleagues tell me this is because they have so many systems they just don’t have the time to do it.

I have been asked again and again by the midwives, why we cannot store documents on E3 as this is the system they predominantly use.  Our concerns in safeguarding about these documents being uploaded and attached to E3 are around us losing oversight of what is being attached and when.  (Currently we cross check all MSF’s to ensure the midwife/author has a full picture of the families difficulties).  We also ensure all of these documents are stored in line with GDPR and so they remain on windip for 12 months when we remove them.  We would also be concerned families could access some particularly sensitive documents. 

We would like to make life easier for midwives and staff to safeguard babies and children in maternity by using E3 to attach  documents to, however we would the area we attach documents to, to be……

  1. An area of E3 that only our team, we have 4 admin staff, can upload and remove documents to and from (but other maternity (and possibly NICU) staff can read and print from, not type or update)
  2. An area that families are unable to access or view
  3. It would be great if a pop up could come up each time that patient is searched to say there are documents in this area too
  • Guest
  • Jul 17 2019
  • Attach files
  • Farzin Karolia commented
    July 29, 2019 10:43

    I have had a similar query and have shown our antenatal Matron the workflow, however what they want is all reports that are completed by staff on a particular patient based on an alert i.e. Safeguarding so any minutes, report, police cases to be linked to the patient record on E3.


    Is  this possible?

  • Delyse Maidman commented
    July 19, 2019 13:25

    We have put in a change request for an AN folder for safeguarding

    This is required to trigger the following forms/e - referrals

    • Cause for concern – Information sharing form
    • Pre Birth – Risk assessment


    Please see attached  suggested workflow