Wellbeing Maternity Ideas Portal

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Continuity of Carer Pathway

Just looking at the guidance from NHS digital on Continuity of Carer and recording the data by March 2020 - I know we are currently recording this at booking but the guidance suggest this also needs to be recorded and reported on at 29 weeks, Intrapartum care and postnatally - When will we be updated on when these changes will take place in E3?

  • Farzin Karolia
  • Dec 10 2019
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  • Kelly Henshaw commented
    January 07, 2020 17:19

    Hi, the reporting of Continuity at 29 weeks also seems to be relevant under the new CNST incentive, please can anyone else comment on how they are intending on capturing this information.

  • Tracy Andrew commented
    December 20, 2019 10:40

    I am being chased for this solution by the management team almost daily here so an update as soon as possible would be very much appreciated.

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