AT TGICFT we struggle to get all questions answered in the Current Pregnancy Questionnaire for our 'Out of Area' bookings. Does anyone else use or be interested in using a shorter version i.e. mandatory questions only for patients booking at another hospital but by your Midwives. I was thinking of devising a Current Pregnancy questionnaire whereby the first question would be
' Which Hospital is the Patient booking at' and the answers would be either a choice of This Trust or AN Other Trust (local Trust tick list would appear). This would then populate the full questionnaire (79 questions) for this Trust and the short version (mandatory questions) for the 'Out of Area' Bookings. Surely, the booking Hospital would be supplying the rest of the Data Set anyway. This would then encourage Midwives to fill in the full 'Out of Area' Current Pregnancy questionnaire instead of only parts of it and missing necessary MSDS information. This would then cut down on the man hours backtracking months later to try and find this information and enter in retrospect to be able to submit monthly data or worse case, failing certain criteria once submitted to NHS Digital.
We go straight to the contact and then any women without a booking on the system is asked the extra PBR and MSDS questions.
We never add a booking for those who are not going to stay with us (eg holidaymaker).
This is something that I would like to see too. The only potential problem is how it would fit into the MSDSv2 questions. As you quite rightly say, the booking Hospital would have the main details. The antenatal contacts just present three questions to establish the PbR pathway i.e. Medical problems, past obstetric history and social factors).