Wellbeing Maternity Ideas Portal

16 Vote

After speaking to a number of fellow Euroking users, it is clear that there is a real need for an incomplete work flow report.

We would all benefit from being able to audit more systematically by quickly identifying what information is missing from the workflows.  I understand that a delivery and postnatal report is already in existence but it would also be useful to have the same type of report for antenatal. This would assist also in data collected for Maternity Data Sets and quality of the information generally in the Euroking system.

  • Deborah Sanderson
  • Oct 9 2019
  • Attach files
  • Delyse Maidman commented
    October 10, 2019 10:12

    We have a list (as attached) which picks up any delivery workflows started but not completed as well as any omissions,

    I,e MWs workflows indicate: CS, Instrumental, 3rd degree, MROP but no associated Drs workflow.

    This works well and we run it every couple of days then track down the relevant staff member to ensure full data capture. Happy to be shared with other trusts.

    We have requested similar lists for both AN and PN both of which remain oustanding

  • +5